[ The Honking ]
by Aaron Cargill

July 7, 2003


[ Sweet, Sweet Linkage... ]

This is the part where I insert some links for you to check out. Well, because i'm a lazy bastard, all that I have for you, for now at least, is a few links to some online webcomics that I read religiously. Enjoy :P


Quite possibly THE funniest webcomic around, these guys are hilarious. You'd be wise to check them out. Now.
These guys are also bloody good. Combining good storylines with awesome artwork and absolute hilarity, this too is a must-see.
The guy who does Sluggy Freelance is, to put it simply, brilliant. I spent a few solid weeks read 2-3 years of archives that I had missed, and damn, was it worth it. I could barely stop laughing all day, even when I was at uni and not actually reading them. Excellent storylines, bizarre situations and characters you just wont believe are all commonplace here. You must check out Sluggy Freelance. Is it not nifty?
That's it for now, folks. I'll have more updates to this page coming regularly. I'm waiting to hear back from none other than Scott Kurtz at PVP to find out how to link to his site, so as soon as I hear back from him, there'll be at least one more link for you. Several more comics to be added yet. If you want to be linked, contact me and i'll see what I can do for you :)