[ The Honking ]
by Aaron Cargill

July 7, 2003

The Honking

[ Cast ]


Name: proXy

A hardcore nerd, this character was turned into a penguin when he tried to compile a linux kernel that would be able to alter his appearance.


Name: Spike

Spike works in a job with the highest suicide rate in history: Tech Support. When he's not insulting users or checking out pr0n, he's admiring Mr T, making fun of everyone that exists and then more, and playing games on his computer or dreamcast.

Name: Stumpy

Stumpy is a Computer Science Graduate, going back to do honors. Unlike most computer graduates, he has a girlfriend, a real life one, at that. A music freak, and big computer game fan, his deadliest weapon is the guitar. Loves puppies and candy.
Scottish. Need we say more?

Name: [Queen/Princess] Gem-Gem

Gem-Gem is also Scottish, which explains, well, everything, really. A man killer who can bring the strongest of men to their knees with a mischevious glance, this chicky-babe has aspirations of World Domination, and will stop at Nothing to get there. Strongest weapon: Looks. Weakness: a fondness for a certain individual known as Ayatollah. Watch out for this character, she's a fiesty one.

Name: Simon

There's only one thing you need to know about simon - he's a turdburger. The only reason he isnt represented by a piece of poo nestled between a bun is because I dont want that image when i'm eating a hamburger. He think's he's god's gift to women, if not god himself, and seems intent on 'converting' Veruca.


Name: Veruca

This chick is a very dark and cynical character, but can be a lot of fun, as long as you dont piss her off with the rest of humanity. She loves cartoons involving simpsons and Jhonen sets, and really loves the ladies, if you follow our drift. The most annoying thing about this is that it just draws guys to her even more, as if it was a challenge in a game show, and hence she has set her mind on killing every last human alive